Big Soup Share resources

Information sheet

As part of the Big Soup Share we have collated some of our resources that can help you plan your event, add extra fun to your day or allow you to plan what to do afterwards. 

  • School term: Early Autumn, Late Summer
  • Level of experience: No experience needed
  • Subject(s):

Resources to help plan and prepare for your event

  • Design a celebration poster – Fun and easy way to make lots of posters advertising your event.
  • Design a lunch menu – If you want to make more than soup then why not make a lunch menu. That way you can make a variety of tasty treats from your harvested fruits and vegetables.
  • Make a gardening apron – Recycle old compost bags from the growing season to make clean aprons to protect clothes while making and serving soup.
  • Estimating the weight of a giant pumpkin – If you have a giant pumpkin growing, estimate its weight before the event. Then hold a raffle at your event and get people to guess its weight. The nearest guess can win a prize!
  • Harvest time – Use the harvesting of your fruit and vegetables as a lesson for children on how to harvest and the different methods of harvesting. Teach them why washing your harvested produce is important.
  • Fundraising using your school garden - Learn about lots of different ways to use your garden to raise funds. Can you sell products made from your produce e.g. jams, chutneys or cakes. Can you grow seasonal plants, seedlings or collect seeds to sell?

Make your soup extra special!

  • Easy herbs to grow in school gardens – Use this guide to grow or buy herbs that can easily be grown in the garden or pots. Think about how you could add flavour to your soup by using some of these herbs.
  • Historic herbs – Herbs have a rich and vast history you can explore. Can you make a soup that helps people’s memory or helps their digestive systems? For fun could you use a herbs history to give your soup a creative or historical name?
  • Edible flowers - Have you grown any edible flowers in your garden? You could add these to your soup as a decorative garnish or as a fun taste test for your attendees.

Resources that link to the curriculum

  • Food from home or away? – Learn where food comes from and understand the impacts it has on the environment.
  • Volumetric vegetables – Use Archimedes ‘eureka’ mathematical theory to measure the volume of harvested vegetables.
  • Edible parts of a plant – While harvesting vegetables create a fun outdoor lesson by getting children to learn about the parts of the plant they will eat. Can they name them all?

Useful information and future planning

  • Enterprise: growing plants to sell – The Big Soup Share is about involving your community. Can you grow some plants, sow some seedlings or collect seeds to sell to attendees at your event?
  • Harvesting vegetables checklist – This useful guide will help you learn when vegetables are ready to harvest.   It also gives tips on the best ways to harvest your vegetables, which you can pass on to the children assisting you.
  • Month by month guide to an edible school garden- autumn term – Now that you have harvested your produce and celebrated by making soup, it is time to plan for the next year of vegetable growing. Have a look at our guide to see if there is anything you could sow now ready for harvesting next year.
  • Winter vegetable growing for northern climates – If you live in northern England, Scotland or northern Ireland this guide will help you choose what crops to sow in the autumn/winter months.

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Involving your community 

For the Big Soup Share, if you are involving the community we recommend that the you have a read over the resource 'Run a community event'.  It is filled with useful information to help you make the best event for you. 

The RHS works with community groups across the UK through our many projects including; Britian in Bloom, It's Your Neighbourhood and Greening Grey Britian. To help these community groups we have created a number of resources. You can find these here.