
Choose from activities, projects, lesson plans & other resources suited to your educational needs.

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School term

Find resources relevant to a particular time of year.

Type of resource

We provide 7 basic types of resources in different formats.


How long the resource is likely to take to complete with your pupils.


One off tasks which can be completed in an hour or less.

Information sheets

General background advice on a range of gardening subjects.

Lesson plans

Curriculum linked, complete lesson plans.

Activity of the week

Make your own newspaper pots

Learn how to make your own plant pots from recycled newspapers, an inexpensive container in which to grow your plants.


Activities that may take several sessions to complete.

How to...

Step by step instructions for seasonal growing and craft activities.

Spotter guides

Spot plants, wildlife and garden features using these checklists.

Growing topics

Activities based around a common theme, to be delivered over four sessions.