RHS School Gardening Awards Level 5

Level 5 is about gardening through the year, gardening with members of your local community and keeping gardening at the heart of your school.

How do we achieve Level 5?

To achieve Level 5, your school needs to demonstrate the following:

  • We are gardening with our community (This involves hands-on gardening where children and young people are gardening with five or more people who are not current pupils or staff at your school.)
  • We garden in every season (Please provide an example of a gardening activity that has taken place during the spring, summer, autumn and winter.)
  • Our gardening has a future

When you are ready to apply for Level 5, please submit up to 100 words for each of the above criteria explaining how you have met each one. For school submissions, please show how at least 10 pupils have been involved when you submit your evidence. You are welcome to include quotes from children and young people as part of your submission.

Submit evidence

Information and resources to support your submission:

We are gardening with our community We garden in every season Our gardening has a future

This involves hands-on gardening where children and young people are gardening with five or more people who are not current pupils or staff at the school. This could take place on separate occasions rather than with all five people at the same time.

This might include:

  • Gardening with family members at school
  • Gardening with past or future pupils
  • Gardening with children and young people from another school
  • Gardening with gardeners from a local community garden or allotment
  • Gardening with children at a local nursery
  • Gardening with residents of a local residential home

Gardening through the seasons means that gardening happens each half term - it's a year-round activity. Please provide an example of a gardening activity that has taken place during the spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Examples of autumn and winter gardening might include:

  • Protecting plants from winter frosts
  • Harvesting produce e.g. winter salads, chard or potatoes
  • Sowing seeds for green manure
  • Planting bulbs for indoor flowering, establishing terrariums or propagating succulents
  • Growing and caring for carnivorous plants
  • Planting garlic

You're at Level 5, which is wonderful. The focus now is about ensuring the skills, knowledge, understanding and resources you have established as a school are there for future children and young people to benefit from.

This might include:

  • Harvesting seeds for future sowing
  • Forming a gardening link with a local school
  • Gaining increased support from the senior leadership team
  • Establishing growing and caring for plants as a curriculum focus for each year group
  • Having at least two staff members actively involved in growing or caring for plants at school
  • Securing support from local businesses

A case study for inspiration:

Useful resources:

Case studies for inspiration:

School rewards

Achieve Level 5 and receive:

  • £150 National Garden Gift Voucher
  • A certificate, digital logo and RHS Level 5 Gardening School plaque to promote and celebrate your achievement
  • A selection of Mr Fothergill’s seeds*

* Due to postal restrictions we are only able to send seeds to addresses in England, Scotland and Wales.

Group and individual rewards

Achieve Level 5 and receive:

  • certificate and a digital logo to promote and celebrate your achievement
  • A selection of Mr Fothergill's seeds*

* Due to postal restrictions we are only able to send seeds to addresses in England, Scotland and Wales.