Step by step
Measuring your pumpkin
Monster pumpkins need to be weighed using very large scales! Not many people have access to these so you can estimate the weight by using the following method.
In order to estimate the weight of your pumpkin, you need to take three measurements (in millimetres or centimetres) using a measuring tape or string. Look at the diagram below to help you take your measurements.
First measure the circumference – measure all the way around the pumpkin at its widest point, keeping your tape parallel with the ground.
Then measure side to side – place your tape measure on the ground at the side of your pumpkin at its widest point. Lay the tape over the pumpkin and straight down to the ground on the opposite side.
Finally measure stem to base – start your measurement on the ground by the stem. Lay the tape over the pumpkin to the ground at the blossom end (indent in the base of the pumpkin).
Add your three measurements together. Look up the total (or the number closest to it) on the table below to find the estimated weight of your pumpkin.