Step by step
Stolons (or runners) are long, horizontal stems produced by strawberry plants. They can be pegged down to encourage the young ‘daughter plants’ to root and grow into new plants.
Look closely at a strawberry plant. Can your pupils name different parts of the plant?
Point out the long horizontal stems called stolons (also referred to as runners) that grow away from the ‘parent’ plant. Along these stolons, young ‘daughter’ plants begin to grow and tiny roots are often visible at their base. Encourage pupils to locate a daughter plant along a stolon.
Explain that rooting can be further encouraged by pegging down the runner into compost.
Fill a pot with compost and place it close to the runner.
Cut a section of thin wire approximately 10cm long and fold it into a V shape.
Peg down a runner near a leaf axil into the compost.
Water the pots.
Write the plant’s name and date on labels and insert one into each pot.
After 4-6 weeks, cut the runner free from the parent plant. These new plants can be planted out in mid-spring or early autumn.