August monthly gardening activities

Explore our monthly activities to do in the garden with your children and young people in August.

  1. Trim herbs such as rosemary and lavender and create plants for free by taking semi-ripe cuttings. You can also take softwood cuttings from herbs like mint, basil and sage.
  2. Lift and pot up any rooted strawberry plants you have been growing. Looking to create more strawberry plants for free in your garden? Follow our step-by-step guide to learn how.
  3. Collect seeds from hardy annuals on a dry sunny day, using a paper bag to collect them. Sow immediately, or store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place – the bottom of the fridge is ideal.
  4. Worried about watering over the school holidays? Check out our school watering toolkit
  5. Raise giant pumpkinssquash and marrows off the soil to prevent discolouration and rotting before they get too heavy to lift. Try using cardboard, thin wooden boards or an old pallet. Be careful to not damage the skin of your giant vegetables as it can cause scratches and splitting.
  6. In mild areas, sow quick-maturing salad crops such as lettuceradishessalad onions and spinach for an autumn crop.
  7. Harvest sweetcornonionscourgettes and cucumbers. If your school site is closed and you have a surplus of produce, offer it out to your community or a local food bank.
  8. French beansrunner beans and peas will all be ready now and the more you pick them, the more you will encourage new pods to form.
  9. If you have been growing summer fruiting raspberries, August is the month to prune them. Make sure all your raspberries have been harvested before pruning. With summer fruiting raspberry plants you need to cut away last year’s old stems and keep this year’s newly grown stems. These new stems will produce next year’s crop of raspberries. Remember to support these by tying them into a frame, wires or trellis.
  10. Pick ripe chilli peppers regularly to encourage more to form. Water little and often to avoid the soil or compost getting waterlogged.

Upcoming monthly gardening activities

September October Full calendar

Start buying and planting spring flowering bulbs.

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Pick apples and other autumn fruits.

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More ways to explore the outdoors

Use our fun craft and wildlife activities to learn more about the outdoors, growing and nature.

  • Hedgehogs hibernate in the winter, and now is a good time to plan a home for them – somewhere covered and dry, like an upturned storage box with a doorway cut in it and covered by some small logs. Find out how to make a hedgehog home.
  • Use natural materials to make bookmarks for your gardening books or to give away as gifts.

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