July monthly gardening activities

Explore our monthly activities to do in the garden with your children and young people in July.

  1. If you have volunteers who are looking after the school garden over the summer, you could ask them to sow spring cabbageturnipschicoryfennel, autumn and winter salads. These could be sown in spots where other crops have been harvested.
  2. July is when the weather gets hotter so all plants, especially those in pots, will need to be watered more often. Try to only water in the evening or early morning as evaporation rates are reduced at these times of day. Water at the base of plants; wetting foliage loses water to evaporation. Discover more water saving tips.
  3. Harvest vegetables including spinachpeasbeanscarrotspotatoesbeetrootsalad leaves, spring-planted garlic and onions.
  4. Pick courgettes before they become marrows.
  5. Harvest fruit including cherriesstrawberriesraspberriesapricots and peaches.
  6. Keep deadheading flowering plants so they will continue producing new buds and flowers.
  7. July is the month to check that tree ties, stakes and covers are not damaging the trunk. If you find that they have started to cut into the bark then gently remove them and find larger ties and covers.
  8. Start collecting flowers and seedheads from lavender plants and use them to make a calming lavender bag, add them to food such as cakes and biscuits, cut and dry them for a dried flower displays or use them in other crafts.
  9. Buy carrot seeds and potato tubers, ready to plant them at the end of the month or in early August.
  10. Clear algae, blanket weeds and debris from ponds, and keep them topped up.

Upcoming monthly gardening activities

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Harvest sweetcorn and courgettes.

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Start buying and planting spring flowering bulbs.

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Take a look at all of our monthly gardening activities.

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Celebrating Bees' Needs Week

Bee numbers are going down because human actions are causing changes to the environment, and this is making it difficult for bees to survive. Our actions can either harm or help bees.

From growing year-round flowers to providing water and nesting places, there are lots of ways you can help:

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More ways to explore the outdoors

Use our fun craft and wildlife activities to learn more about the outdoors, growing and nature.

  • Use petals collected from flowers and other natural materials in the garden to make a perfume pot.
  • July is when all the summer flowers are in full bloom. Why not try making garden sun catchers?
  • Many flowers rely on insects to carry pollen away and to bring pollen to their flowers. Discover the role of insects and observe them transferring pollen with our pollinator bug hunt activity.

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