Month by month guide to an edible school garden- summer term

Information sheet

Use this simple guide to plan your edible school garden

  • School term: Early Summer, Late Summer
  • Level of experience: No experience needed
  • Subject(s):






Sow/ plant

Radish, French beans, lettuce, squash and pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes. Runner and french beans, squash and pumpkin, carrots. Lettuce, kale and leek transplants.  


Radish, broad beans, carrots, lettuce and other salads, spinach. Radish, French beans, broad beans, peas, onion, garlic, carrots, spinach, early potatoes, lettuce and other salads, strawberries. Radish, French beans, broad beans, peas, onion, garlic, carrots, spinach, early potatoes, lettuce and other salads, tomatoes, strawberries.  

Other jobs

Mulch plants with compost and keep well-watered.
Keep carrots covered with fleece to protect from carrot fly.
Plant out tender plants started indoors, such as French beans, pumpkins and squash and tomatoes.
Mulch plants with compost and keep well-watered.
Keep carrots covered with fleece to protect from carrot fly.
Mulch plants with compost and keep well-watered.
Keep carrots covered with fleece to protect from carrot fly.