Tool safety


A simple activity to raise awareness of tools, their uses and how to work with them safely.

  • Estimated time: 30 minutes
  • Location: Outdoors & Indoors
  • School term: All year round
  • Level of experience: No experience needed
  • Subject(s): PSHE, Art&DT

Learning objectives

  • Identify a range of tools
  • Use tools correctly and safely
  • Choose the correct tool for the task


Gather your group together in a circle with the tools in middle either stored in a bucket or wheelbarrow, or on a nearby bed.


  • A range of hand or full size tools, including one that is unsafe or broken
  • A bucket, tray or wheelbarrow to store tools safely 
  • A cleaning brush and gloves
  • Paper and pens or pencils

Step by step

  1. Explain that gardeners need tools to help them with their gardening tasks.
  2. Ask your group to pick up a tool and guess what it is used for in gardening. Let them have a practice with it in a bed or growing area.
  3. Name the tool and its gardening uses - ask a member of your group to demonstrate how it is used.
  4. Repeat this with other tools and let others have a turn.
  5. Discuss why it is sensible to have a safe area where tools are stored when not in use, located by a tool stop sign.
  6. Demonstrate how to carry and work with tools safely,and to clean off tools with a brush at the end of a session.
  7. Ask your group to pick out the broken tool and state why it is unsafe to use.

Hints & tips

  • Revisit your tool safety rules every time a garden session takes place
  • Nominate a tool monitor each session to count out tools and count them back in again