Bird feeder garland


Food is in short supply for wildlife over the winter months. Create this festive garland to decorate your outdoor space. It’s packed full of treats for our feathered friends.

  • Estimated time: 30 minutes
  • Location: Outdoors & Indoors
  • School term: Late Autumn, Early Spring
  • Level of experience: No experience needed
  • Subject(s): Science, Art&DT

Learning objectives

  • Create a bird feeder garland using natural materials


Select types of food that are appropriate to the age of the pupils you are working with, as larger pieces of fruit will need to be cut with a knife. You may wish to prepare these beforehand.


  • Twine or string
  • Cookie cutters (optional)
  • A strong, blunt needle with a large eye
  • Selection of food appropriate for birds (see additional information)

Step by step

Guide pupils to create their own bird feeder garland. In their wider learning, they could find out more about the local bird population or learn about the diets and seasonal needs of wildlife. This activity is also great for supporting the development of fine motor skills.

  1. Decide how long you want your garland to be and cut a length of twine to size.
  2. Thread a strong needle with your twine. If working with young pupils, we recommend a blunt safety needle.
  3. Tie a knot in your twine at the opposite end to the needle.
  4. Push the needle through each piece of food to thread it onto the twine. You could encourage pupils to arrange their food to make a pattern.
  5. When the garland is full, remove the needle and secure the end with a knot.
  6. Hang your garland in an outdoor space.

Hints & tips

  • Make sure you have checked that all the food is suitable for wild garden birds (e.g. dried fruit, plain popcorn, chunks or apple and pear, fresh or dried berries or grapes).
  • Different species of birds like different treats. You could research what your visitors like to eat by experimenting with different foods and monitoring what gets eaten.
  • Remove any fruit that starts to look mouldy to prevent it causing harm to wildlife and, if you have pets, keep your garland out of their reach.
  • Once the birds have enjoyed their tasty treats, put any leftovers in the compost bin. Consider using natural twine instead of string as this is compostable too.