Planting acorns


Grow an acorn in a recycled plastic bottle and watch it germinate.

  • Estimated time: 30 minutes
  • Location: Outdoors & Indoors
  • School term: Early Autumn, Late Autumn
  • Level of experience: No experience needed
  • Subject(s): Science

Learning objectives

  • Observe how seeds grow 
  • Discover which grows first - root or shoot?
  • Find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow
  • Explore how to nurture and care for a living thing

Essential background information


Collect acorns in the autumn, look for ones that have been undamaged by pests. This is a good time to discuss the lifecycle of the oak tree with pupils and study other trees in your local area.

Learn more about oak trees.

As deciduous trees die back to wood in winter, the seeds of the oak need a cold winter to break down the outer seed coat. Then once it warms again in the spring, they start to grow. Putting the acorns in the fridge for one to two weeks can simulate this cold so they will grow in a warmer classroom or environment. This is a time to talk to your pupils about why the seasons are important for our plants and wildlife. 


  • Plastic drinks bottle
  • Sugar paper, blotting paper, paper towels or newspaper
  • Compost
  • Gravel or sand
  • Acorns

Step by step

  1. Add some gravel, sand or other drainage material to the base of the bottle. Line the sides of the bottle with a layer of paper towels, blotting paper or kitchen roll and fill the centre with soil or compost. Add just enough water to make it all moist.
  2. Plant the acorn between the paper and the side of the bottle.
  3. Place a ‘collar’ made of sugar paper or the equivalent around the outside of the bottle to cut out light, but make it easy to slip on and off so that the progress of germination can be observed.
  4. Label with the date it was sown and place the bottle in a semi-bright place, but not where it will dry out too quickly.
  5. Keep it moist at all times, but don’t allow it to become waterlogged either, because the emerging roots need air as well as water. Too much water would ‘drown’ them.
  6. Check regularly. When the first leaves (seed leaves) of the acorn are fully expanded, plant the oak seedling into a small pot (make sure it has drainage holes).
  7. Once the seedling's roots fill the pot it is time to plant out your oak tree. Make sure there will be plenty of space and sunlight for it to grow into a mature tree. Read more about planting trees.

Hints & tips

  • Plant your acorns as soon as possible after you have collected them. Don't leave them to dry out at all.
  • Check the viability of the acorn by dropping it into a bucket of water - if it sinks, it's good to plant.
  • Why not have a germination race with your acorns? Get each pupil to plant an acorn in a pot in the garden and see whose acorn produces it's leaves first. Plant them in the autumn for growth in spring.
  • Be environmentally aware - make biodegradeable newspaper pots for acorn planting.