The June Pollen Gap

It may feel like the growing year is in full swing but in-between the spring and summer blooms, flowers for pollinators are in short supply! We have asked our resident horticulturalist, Emma, for her top picks for bridging the June Gap.

11 June 2021

The June Pollen Gap is a tough time for all pollinators but luckily there are a lot of good plant options you can grow. Here are some of my favourite June blooms that are good for bees and that are approved by the RHS as plants for pollinators.
There are plenty of perennials that will provide pollen in June (say that three times fast!), here are some of my favourites:

  • Papaver rhoeas (Common Poppy) 
  • Aquilegia vulgaris (Common Columbine)
  • Geranium (Cranesbill)  - There are loads of different varieties and even more cultivars of these perennial geraniums so everyone could get one that suits their garden and location in the UK.

Shrubs add interest to your garden all year round, these will also flower in June:


You can add a pollen buffet with your bedding! We always advocate sowing and growing your own bedding plants where possible to make sure that pesticides haven’t been used in the growing process as these can be harmful to pollinators: