Fruit & vegetables for health lesson plan

Lesson plan

KS1 & 2 Science, Maths
Scottish Early, First and Second level Science, Numeracy, Social Studies

  • Estimated time: 90 minutes
  • Location: Outdoors & Indoors
  • School term: All year round
  • Key stage(s): KS1, KS2
  • Subject(s): Science, PSHE, Geography

Learning objectives

  • To understand that eating fruit and vegetables is an important part of a healthy diet
  • To explore the range of fruit and vegetables grown in the UK
  • To explore seasonality
  • To plan a school vegetable garden 

Key vocabulary

Names of fruits and vegetables, balanced diet, five a day, healthy, nutrition, vitamins, nutrients, seasonality


Ask the group to select pictures of their favourite foods and say why they like them.
Introduce the idea that fruit and vegetables are delicious, good for us and that we need to eat them to help us feel better and help us grow. Try to discover the level of understanding in the class about foods from different food groups and which ones we should try to eat in moderation.

Ask the class to explore what we mean by a 'balanced diet'? Explain that fruit and vegetables provide us with vitamins, minerals and fibre. Ask the young people how many portions of fruit and vegetables we should eat a day (five), and look at portion sizes. Can they name their favourite fruit or vegetable? 


If possible, observe vegetables and fruits growing and find out whether the part we eat grows above or below ground. Ask the group to identify examples of vegetables and fruits, wherever possible matching the raw ones to pictures of prepared food, to demonstrate where the food on their plate comes from. 

Do a class survey. Record the least and most favourite fruit and vegetables on a tally chart. By looking at food packaging and plotting locations on a world map, discuss fruit and vegetables that can be grown in the UK and ones that are grown abroad. 

Introduce the idea that we can grow vegetables and fruit from seeds. Look at seeds in clear packaging and match them with the vegetables they will become. Using these examples and looking at seed packets or catalogues, ask the group to find out how and when to grow them. Pose the question - can we grow vegetables and fruit all year? Discuss seasonality and make a calendar to show when they grow (in your location in the UK).

Using the data collected about favourites, plan a vegetable plot to grow the most popular fruit and vegetables in your class, which they can eventually harvest and enjoy. 

Use the  Five a day activity  to make a visual representation of a healthy eating plate. 



Recap on the five-a-day and balanced diet messages.
Discuss which food the children now think they should eat and why.


  • A selection of real fruit and vegetables
  • Photographs of fruit and vegetables
  • Vegetable seeds in clear packaging, seed packets and seed catalogues
  • Pictures of cooked food dishes
  • Fruit and vegetable packaging
  • World map


Groups should present their collected data in an agreed format, relative  to their ability level.
Further research could be done looking at the vitamins that are present in particular fruits and vegetables.

What next?

  • Find out about a plant's requirements for growth
  • Introduce the idea that plants also need nutrients and that they get these from the soil
  • Sow some vegetable seeds!
  • Conduct a wider survey on the popularity of fruit and vegetables
  • Start investigating the importance of soil and why we need to look after it. Use the how much soil activity

Assessment questions

  • Why is it important to eat fruit and vegetables?
  • How do they grow? Above or below ground?
  • Which part of the plant do we eat?
  • Which fruit and vegetables can be grown in your school garden?