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Washing up bowl allotment


Create a mini patch to grow food in using simple materials. Perfect for anyone no matter what space you have, this activity was provided by Lee Connelly, The Skinny Jean Gardener.

  • Estimated time: 45 minutes
  • Location: Outdoors & Indoors
  • School term: All year round
  • Level of experience: No experience needed
  • Subject(s):

Learning objectives

  • Understand and learn where food comes from
  • Observe how seeds grow into plants
  • Learn how to nurture different crops and what they need to grow


Discuss with your group what fruit and veg they like to eat and research which of these might be suitable to grow in your washing up bowl.

You can then either grow your chosen plants from seed or purchase them as small plants. 


  • Washing up bowl
  • Drill
  • Compost (or you can use soil from the garden)
  • Plants (either grown from seed or bought/sourced as small plants) such as tomatoes or chillies
  • Seeds for quick-growing salad such as lettuce or rocket
  • Labels and a pencil
  • Watering can with a rose or hose with a fine spray setting
  • Tray (to place under the bowl if growing indoors)

Watch Lee explain and demo this activity: 

This activity was provided by Lee Connelly, The Skinny Jean Gardener. For more of his brilliant activities for children, check out his new book Gardening with Children.

Step by step

  1. Drill a few drainage holes into the bottom of the washing up bowl. Make sure this is only done by an adult or an older children who have been taught to use power tools.
  2. Put the compost or soil into your washing up bowl and spread it evenly.
  3. Place your plants into the compost or soil, just a couple will do as they will grow bigger.
  4. Sprinkle your lettuce seeds if using down the side.
  5. Write your labels to remind yourself what you've planted.
  6. Water well, being careful not to flood the seeds.
  7. Place somewhere with lots of light (either outside during warmer months or on a bright windowsill).
  8. Remember to check your allotment regularly and water if it's drying out. In the hotter months, it may need watering twice a day.

Hints & tips

  • Don’t try to grow too much to start with. Start small with just three to five different crops to learn how they grow and how to tend to them. You can then attempt more the following year.
  • Quick growing crops (ready to harvest in 10-15 days) include: rocket, cress, kale, mizuna, pak choi, radishes and pea shoots.
  • Slower growing crops (ready to harvest in 15-25 days) include: basil, beetroot, chard, lettuce and spring onions.
  • Longer, lighter days will produce quicker crops.
  • Don’t have any seeds to hand? Check out our resource for growing veg from kitchen scraps.
  • Don't have a washing bowl? You can use many other recycled containers instead such as fruit punnets, fruit and veg crates or old pots - you could grow a different crop in each.