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Fruit facts - what is a fruit


Learn some basic botany by exploring different types of fruit. Search for the seeds inside, draw a section of a fruit and learn the relevant common botanical terms.  

  • Estimated time: 30 minutes
  • Location: Outdoors & Indoors
  • School term: All year round
  • Level of experience: No experience needed
  • Subject(s): English, Science, Art&DT

Learning objectives

  • Learners will become familiar with different kinds of fruits.
  • Learners will be able to draw fruit and recognise the seeds found inside.

Essential background information


Gather fruit and equipment.
Print and read the Fruit Glossary to gain knowledge of types of fruit.


  • Different common fruits – apples, strawberries, blackberries, plums or peaches
  • Pencils, coloured pencils and paper
  • Bowl of tap water or sink for washing before eating

Step by step

  1. Ask the group to describe what a fruit is.
  2. Where does it come from? What part of the plant?
  3. Look at different fruits, cut them open to discover what is inside.
  4. Explain that fruits usually contain the seeds of a plant.
  5. Compare different common fruits, e.g. an apple to a strawberry, or a plum.
  6. Draw the fruits with seeds inside or outside (strawberry).
  7. Use the Fruit Glossary to learn the botanical terms used for each type of fruit.
  8. If possible, look at some fruits forming from flowers (in spring or summer).
  9. Taste the fruits! Describe how each fruit tastes. Remember to wash fruits and hands before eating.

Hints & tips

  • Try cutting an apple lengthways and then across the middle to reveal different patterns.
  • Afterwards, try sowing some of the seeds found inside the fruit.
  • Use this activity as part of Focus on Fruit class growing topic