Kentico CMS 7.0 Context Help



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On this tab, you can adjust settings related to Kentico CMS REST service. The following settings can be adjusted:



Service enabled

Enables or disables the Kentico CMS REST service.

Service enabled for

Choose if the REST service should be used for access to objects, documents or both.

Authentication type

Determines which type of authentication will be used by the REST service. Supported types are Basic and Forms authentication.

Always check document security

If disabled, security is not checked when accessing published versions of documents. If enabled, security is always checked.

Document access is read only

If enabled, only GET document requests can be processed by the service and documents can't be modified by the service.

Object access is read only

If enabled, only GET object requests can be processed by the service and objects can't be modified by the service.

Allowed document types

List of document types which will be accessible by the service. If the field is empty, all document types will be accessible.

Allowed object types

List of object types which will be accessible by the service. If the field is empty, all object types will be accessible.

Generate authentication hash for URL

Click the link to open a dialog where you can generate an authentication hash for a specified URL. This hash can be used instead of authentication afterwards to access specified data.

Default encoding

Default encoding used when no Accept-Charset header is used in a REST GET request or when the requested encoding is not supported.


Detailed information about the REST service can be found in Developer's Guide -> Development -> REST service.